Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Idled Thinking

"You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind." ~ Author Unknown

This photo was taken in 2008 in Andhra Pradesh, India. I rode past it on the back of a scooter on my way to a community meeting. Returning from the meeting, I asked my friend Maitreyi to pull over because I had to take a picture. Made me think of the movie Shrek when they are in the field of sunflowers talking about how people are like onions. : ) 

As I try to pack my life into a suitcase, yet again, I came across my old quote book. I started keeping this book a few years ago, but I haven't written in it in a year. It's a space for me to write down things that I read or hear that I think are meaningful. While I was going through it tonight, I found the quote above. I feel its quite fitting at this moment. So many of us spend relentless hours thinking about the things we want to do/need to do, that we become too tired or too discouraged to actually get anything done. My fear is will constant idled thinking lead to losing out on something important? I personally am tired of inactivity, of sitting in class listening to lecture after lecture about what I should be doing out in the field...I want to go to the field and actually do it! But today I've become even more tired of waiting for another to stop thinking, but then again maybe I'm in the wrong...maybe I'm mistaking silence for thinking and not action. Choosing to be silent is taking an action and perhaps I just need to learn to take a hint. I wish, at this moment, I could return to the sunflower fields when I was a bit more hopeful. 

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