Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Technical Assistance PLEASE

Why is it the format I use when I type isn't what gets posted? Like in the previous post I put spaces between the paragraphs, but that's not what got posted. Or the one with the Maska Chaska, the photos were aligned properly and made the post look neat and orderly and when it posted it turned into a mess. I tried many times to change it, but it always post however it pleases. What am I doing wrong???


  1. Do you use preview before you post? The editors are not always intelligent enough.

  2. But I can't change anything on the preview. I can see it and it looks right but somehow the cyber monkeys change it when it posts. Not enjoying this.

  3. Hmmm...

    When composing there are two tabs - 'Compose' and 'Edit Html'. This is not the best solution, but it may work out at least one thing. Where there are supposed to be paragraph breaks, type


    and see what that looks like.
