Ever have one of those days when you could go back to being a kid. Smiling and laughing, feeling like nobody could ever hurt you and that you could be whatever you dreamed of being. Life was full of dreams without having to worry about the reality and consequences of decisions made. My parents went on and on about my dad's cousin's daughter becoming a doctor and I have to suffer through another round of 'you're wasting time going in development'; 'you could be half way through med school by now'; 'you're the type of daughter other parents are thankful they don't have', and of course 'nobody will ever marry you if you work in development' etc etc. Bet the newest addition to the medical field has no idea how her decision has made my morning hell on earth. I didn't know that when I made this career move 4 years ago that I would still be hearing the same thing and now my dad is even speaking up. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong.
Took this photo in a small village school in Andhra Pradesh. I went with people from a local org, SST, to deliver medicines for anemia and other nutrition supplements. No matter how much my parents try to push me down and break my spirit, I'll remind myself of this little girl and all the others. Can't wait to get back out in the field...